LinkedIn Header Size: 5 Pro Tips for a Standout Profile

LinkedIn Header Size: 5 Pro Tips for a Standout Profile

LinkedIn Header Size: 5 Pro Tips for a Standout Profile

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Ankit SaaS

Ankit SaaS

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Aug 16, 2024

Aug 16, 2024

linkedin header size
linkedin header size
linkedin header size

Understand the perfect LinkedIn header size for 2024. Get expert tips on LinkedIn header dimensions, image size, and profile picture optimization for maximum impact.

Understand the perfect LinkedIn header size for 2024. Get expert tips on LinkedIn header dimensions, image size, and profile picture optimization for maximum impact.

Understand the perfect LinkedIn header size for 2024. Get expert tips on LinkedIn header dimensions, image size, and profile picture optimization for maximum impact.



Quick Overview

  • Optimal LinkedIn header dimensions and image size

  • LinkedIn profile image size specifications

  • 5 Tips for creating impactful header images

  • Common mistakes to avoid

  • Tools for designing and resizing LinkedIn headers

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Why LinkedIn Header Size Matters

Have you ever wondered why some LinkedIn profiles instantly grab your attention while others fall flat?

The secret often lies in the header image.

But what makes a great LinkedIn header, and why is size so crucial?

Let's dive in.

Your LinkedIn header is like the billboard of your professional brand. It's the first thing people see when they land on your profile.

A well-designed header can:

  1. Make a strong first impression

  2. Showcase your professional brand

  3. Highlight your industry or expertise

  4. Set you apart from the competition

But to achieve all this, you need to nail the LinkedIn header size.

LinkedIn Header Dimensions: Getting it Right

So, what are the perfect LinkedIn header dimensions?

Here's the breakdown:

  • LinkedIn header size: 1584 x 396 pixels

  • Aspect ratio: 4:1

  • Maximum file size: 8MB

  • File types: PNG, JPG, or GIF

Why these specific dimensions?

LinkedIn has optimized these measurements to ensure your header looks great on various devices and screen sizes.

But there's a catch.

While the full header size is 1584 x 396 pixels, not all of this space is visible at all times.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Desktop view: 1128 x 191 pixels

  • Mobile view: 1128 x 191 pixels

This means the "safe area" for your most important content is 1128 x 191 pixels in the center of your header image.

Anything outside this area may be cropped on certain devices.

LinkedIn Profile Image Size: Complementing Your Header

Your profile picture works hand-in-hand with your header image.

But what's the ideal LinkedIn profile image size?

Here are the specs:

  • Recommended size: 400 x 400 pixels

  • Minimum size: 200 x 200 pixels

  • Maximum file size: 8MB

  • File types: PNG, JPG, or GIF

Pro tip: Always use a square image for your profile picture. LinkedIn will crop circular images on certain pages.

Remember, your profile picture will overlap with the bottom left corner of your header image.

Keep this in mind when designing your header to avoid any awkward overlaps.

linkedin header size

5 Pro Tips for Creating Impactful LinkedIn Headers

Now that you know the technical specs, how do you create a header that truly stands out?

Here are five pro tips:

  1. Use high-quality images

Blurry or pixelated images scream unprofessional. Always use crisp, clear images that look good even when scaled down.

  1. Incorporate your brand colors

Does your personal or company brand have specific colors? Use them in your header for instant recognition.

  1. Include a subtle call-to-action

A well-placed CTA can encourage profile visitors to take the next step. But keep it subtle - you don't want to appear too salesy.

  1. Showcase your expertise

Use imagery that represents your industry or specific skills. This instantly communicates what you do.

  1. Keep it simple

Don't try to cram too much into your header. A clean, uncluttered design often has the most impact.

linkedin header size

Common LinkedIn Header Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, it's easy to make mistakes with your LinkedIn header.

Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Ignoring mobile users

Remember, many people will view your profile on mobile devices. Always check how your header looks on both desktop and mobile.

linkedin header size

  1. Using text that's too small

Any text in your header should be legible even when the image is scaled down. Test it at different sizes.

  1. Overcrowding the image

Trying to fit too much into your header can make it look cluttered and unprofessional. Keep it focused.

  1. Neglecting the safe area

Remember that 1128 x 191 pixel safe area we mentioned? Keep your most important elements within this space.

  1. Using low-resolution images

A pixelated or blurry header can make your entire profile look unprofessional. Always use high-resolution images.

Tools for Designing and Resizing LinkedIn Headers

Feeling overwhelmed by all these technical requirements?

Don't worry. There are plenty of tools available to help you create the perfect LinkedIn header.

Here are a few options:

  1. Canva

This user-friendly design tool offers LinkedIn header templates that are already sized correctly. Perfect for non-designers.

  1. Adobe Photoshop

For those with design experience, Photoshop offers precise control over image dimensions and quality.

  1. Snapseed

If you're working from your phone, Snapseed offers powerful editing tools, including the ability to resize images.

  1. LinkedIn's built-in editing tool

When you upload a header image, LinkedIn offers basic cropping and positioning tools to help you fit the image correctly.

  1. PicResize

This free online tool allows you to quickly resize images to fit LinkedIn's specifications.

Updating Your LinkedIn Header: Best Practices

How often should you update your LinkedIn header?

While there's no hard and fast rule, consider refreshing your header:

  1. When you change jobs or roles

  2. After achieving a significant professional milestone

  3. When your industry focus shifts

  4. To align with your company's rebranding

  5. Seasonally or for special professional events

Keeping your header current shows that you're active and engaged on the platform.

It's also a great way to highlight new achievements or changes in your professional life.

linkedin header size

The Impact of a Well-Designed LinkedIn Header

So, what difference can a perfectly sized and well-designed LinkedIn header really make?

Let's consider the benefits:

  1. Increased profile views

An eye-catching header can encourage more people to click on your profile.

  1. Better first impressions

A professional, well-designed header immediately elevates the look of your profile.

  1. Clearer personal branding

Your header is prime real estate for showcasing your personal or company brand.

  1. Improved engagement

An attractive header can encourage visitors to explore your profile further and potentially connect with you.

  1. Stand out from the crowd

Many users neglect their header image. A well-optimized header helps you stand out in a sea of generic profiles.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression you make in the professional world.

linkedin header size

Make it count with a perfectly sized, visually appealing header that truly represents you and your brand.

Are you ready to optimize your LinkedIn header? Which of these tips will you apply first?

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