7 LinkedIn Posts Examples that You Should Know

7 LinkedIn Posts Examples that You Should Know

7 LinkedIn Posts Examples that You Should Know

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Written by :

Ankit SaaS

Ankit SaaS

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Published date :

Aug 2, 2024

Aug 2, 2024

linkedin post examples
linkedin post examples
linkedin post examples

Explore 7 proven types of LinkedIn posts with real examples to increase your visibility and network effectively. Boost your LinkedIn presence with engaging posts.

Explore 7 proven types of LinkedIn posts with real examples to increase your visibility and network effectively. Boost your LinkedIn presence with engaging posts.

Explore 7 proven types of LinkedIn posts with real examples to increase your visibility and network effectively. Boost your LinkedIn presence with engaging posts.



Quick overview:

  • Understanding the importance of diverse LinkedIn posts

  • 7 types of high-performing LinkedIn posts

  • Real-world examples of successful posts

  • Tips for crafting engaging content

  • Best practices for maximizing post reach and engagement

  • How Dottypost can amplify your LinkedIn strategy

Grow your LinkedIn audience FAST. Sign up today!

Grow your LinkedIn audience FAST. Sign up today!

Is your LinkedIn feed feeling stale?

You post regularly, but the engagement just isn't there.

The likes are sparse, comments are rare, and shares? Well, they're practically non-existent.

It's frustrating, isn't it?

But what if I told you that the problem isn't how often you post, but what you're posting?

The truth is, not all LinkedIn posts are created equal. Some types of posts consistently outperform others, driving engagement, boosting visibility, and growing your network.

In this guide, we'll explore 7 types of LinkedIn posts that have been proven to skyrocket engagement. We'll look at real examples, break down why they work, and show you how to craft your own attention-grabbing posts.

1. Success Stories: Showcasing Your Impact

Why are success stories so powerful on LinkedIn?

They provide social proof and demonstrate the real-world value of your products or services.

Here's how to craft an effective success story post:

  1. Get permission from your client

  2. Focus on specific results and benefits

  3. Use numbers and metrics when possible

  4. Include a visual element (photo or graphic)

LinkedIn post example:

"Thrilled to share how our platform helped TechCorp boost employee productivity by 40%! 🚀

Key results:

  • 95% adoption rate

  • 30% increase in project completion speed

  • 25% reduction in overtime hours

What's your favorite productivity hack? Share below! 👇"

This post works because it's specific, uses metrics, and encourages engagement with a question.

Pro tip: Use Dottypost's Content Generation feature to transform your success stories into engaging LinkedIn posts. Simply input your key metrics and results, choose a tone, and let AI craft a compelling narrative.

linkedin post examples

2. Industry Insights: Establishing Thought Leadership

How can you position yourself as an industry expert?

Sharing valuable insights and statistics is a great way to start.

Tips for creating impactful industry insight posts:

  1. Use reliable sources

  2. Explain the relevance to your audience

  3. Add your own analysis or perspective

  4. Use visuals to represent data

Examples of good LinkedIn posts in this category often include infographics or charts to make data more digestible.

LinkedIn blog post example:

"Did you know that 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn? 📊

Here's why it matters for your business:

  1. Access to decision-makers

  2. Highly targeted advertising options

  3. Platform for thought leadership content

What's your most effective B2B lead generation strategy? Let's discuss! 💬"

This post combines a striking statistic with practical implications, encouraging discussion.

Enhance your industry insights posts with Dottypost's Carousel Generator. Transform complex data into visually appealing, easy-to-digest carousel posts that capture attention and boost engagement.

linkedin post examples

3. Behind-the-Scenes: Humanizing Your Brand

Why do people love behind-the-scenes content?

It adds a human touch to your brand and builds a deeper connection with your audience.

Ideas for behind-the-scenes posts:

  1. Office tours or workspace snapshots

  2. Team introductions

  3. Project development processes

  4. Company culture highlights

LinkedIn post example:

"Ever wondered what fuels our creativity at [Your Company]? Here's a peek into our brainstorming session! 💡

[Insert carousel of team brainstorming photos]

From wild ideas to breakthrough solutions, this is where the magic happens.

What's your team's go-to method for sparking innovation? Share in the comments! 🚀"

This type of post works because it satisfies curiosity and invites audience participation.

Use Dottypost's Content Inspiration feature to find high-performing behind-the-scenes posts from other companies. Adapt these proven concepts to fit your brand and watch your engagement grow.

linkedin post examples

4. Educational Content: Providing Value to Your Network

How can you keep your audience coming back for more?

By consistently providing valuable, educational content.

Types of educational LinkedIn posts:

  1. How-to guides

  2. Industry tips and tricks

  3. Explanations of complex concepts

  4. Resource lists

LinkedIn blog post examples in this category often use carousel posts or long-form articles to deliver in-depth information.


"5 LinkedIn Profile Tweaks to 10x Your Visibility 🔍

[Insert carousel with tips]

  1. Optimize your headline with power words

  2. Craft a compelling 'About' section story

  3. Showcase your top skills with endorsements

  4. Regularly share industry insights

  5. Engage meaningfully on others' posts

Which tip will you implement today? Let me know! 👇"

This post works by offering practical, actionable advice in an easy-to-digest format.

Leverage Dottypost's Sales feature to transform your educational content into traffic-generating posts. Input your key points, and let the AI craft compelling copy that drives engagement and leads.

linkedin post examples

5. Personal Stories: Building Authentic Connections

Why do personal stories resonate on a professional network?

They humanize your brand and create relatable touchpoints with your audience.

Keys to effective personal story posts:

  1. Be authentic and vulnerable

  2. Focus on the lesson or takeaway

  3. Relate it back to your professional journey

  4. Encourage others to share their experiences

LinkedIn post example:

"Five years ago, I was laid off from my 'dream job'. Today, I'm running my own successful business. Here's what I learned:

  1. Adversity breeds innovation

  2. Your network is your net worth

  3. Passion fuels perseverance

What unexpected turn led to your biggest professional growth? Share your story! 💪"

linkedin post examples

This post works because it's relatable, inspiring, and invites audience participation.

Use Dottypost's Post Ideas Generation feature to get personalized suggestions for sharing your personal stories in a way that resonates with your audience and aligns with your professional brand.

6. Industry News and Trends: Staying Current and Relevant

How can you demonstrate that you're on top of industry developments?

By regularly sharing and commenting on relevant news and trends.

Tips for creating engaging news-related posts:

  1. Choose topics relevant to your network

  2. Provide your unique perspective or analysis

  3. Explain potential impacts on your industry

  4. Ask for others' opinions

Examples of good LinkedIn posts in this category often start with a news hook and then dive into analysis.


"Breaking: LinkedIn introduces AI-powered writing suggestions. Game-changer or cause for concern? 🤖

My take:

  1. It could streamline content creation for busy professionals

  2. The human touch in relationship-building remains crucial

  3. Authenticity will be more important than ever

How do you think this will impact LinkedIn engagement? Let's discuss! 💬"

This post works by addressing a timely topic and encouraging debate.

Stay ahead of the curve with Dottypost's Auto Pilot feature. Wake up to customized LinkedIn posts about the latest industry trends, tailored to your unique persona and interests.

7. Interactive Posts: Boosting Engagement

Why are interactive posts so effective on LinkedIn?

They encourage active participation, increasing your post's visibility and reach.

Types of interactive LinkedIn posts:

  1. Polls

  2. Question posts

  3. "Fill in the blank" posts

  4. "Tag someone who..." posts

LinkedIn post example:

"POLL: What's the most crucial skill for leaders in 2023?

🎭 Emotional Intelligence 🔄 Adaptability 🌐 Digital Literacy 🤝 Inclusive Leadership

Vote and share your reasoning in the comments! Let's learn from each other. 📊"

This post works because it's easy to engage with and encourages further discussion in the comments.

linkedin post examples

Maximize the impact of your interactive posts with Dottypost's Auto Plug feature. When your poll or question post hits your target engagement level, Dottypost automatically comments with your chosen link, driving traffic when interest is at its peak.

Are you ready to elevate your LinkedIn presence with these post types?

Remember, the key to success on LinkedIn is consistency and authenticity. Mix these different post types to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Which type of LinkedIn post will you try first?

Start experimenting today and watch your engagement soar!

By focusing on creating valuable, diverse content that resonates with your audience, you can transform your LinkedIn presence from forgettable to fantastic.

And with tools like Dottypost at your disposal, crafting engaging, high-performing LinkedIn posts has never been easier. From AI-powered content generation to automated engagement boosters, Dottypost provides the features you need to take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level.

Are you ready to stand out in the LinkedIn feed? Start implementing these strategies today, harness the power of Dottypost, and watch your professional network grow!

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Create LinkedIn content that gets results

Create LinkedIn content that gets results

Create LinkedIn content that gets results

Start your LinkedIn journey today!

Start your LinkedIn journey today!

Start your LinkedIn journey today!

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